Sirupitty 2024

August 2024: Proposal for a new preschool at Sirupitty

Trincomalee T & G Division, Trincomalee






Project application:          Construction of preschool at Siruppitty

Project Name:                    Constructing of preschool in, Siruppitty     

                                                in the Divisional Secretary’s Division of 

                                                 Trincomalee T & G

Country:                           Sri Lanka


Applicant’s Name:               Director, EHED Caritas, Trincomalee,                              Sri Lanka

Dutch Partners:                    Foundation Need4Care,                                             Wilde Ganzen (option)



Title:    Construction of preschool


Place:   Sri Lanka - Eastern Province – Trincomalee District

              in the Divisions of Trincomalee T & G


Duration:  10 months     Starting date:   as soon as possible.


Objective of the project: -


1.     Providing access to preschool education by providing infrastructure facilities

     and basic knowledge to the children and a formation before they move into

     the formal education


Siruppity Village is situated in the Trincomalee T&G Divisional Secretary’s division and we need to go along Nilaveli Road, and at Ilupaikulam Junction, we have to branch of on Kanniya Road, and travel about 02 kilometer  where we find  the village of Siruppitty which is in  the Grama Niladahri division of Ilupaikulam,  It Is a war affected village and the families have been displaced in South India and returned to the island in three occasions: 2007, 2010 and 2012 and residing in several places in the Trincomalee town and the subverts paying  rent.  In the meantime, they were given 15 perches of land on 13th June 2019 and resettled by the National Housing Development Board.  At the moment there are 182 families residing within the village. There is no educational institution within the village the grown-up children go walking to Periyakulam, to attend the school. Present preschool is functioning in a temporary shelter which belongs to the Rural Development Society.   In our monitoring visit, we have found there were 20 – 30 children attending to preschool. At the moment two teachers manage the children, all of them are up to 05 years old.  

The DS Trincomalee T & G also supports us very much and the DS himself requested us to put up a preschool for the children of Sirupitty. Getting approval for the construction of the preschool is in the process. Once the proposal is realized the rest of the approval will be taken from the respective Divisional Secretary and the educational authorities.




With the above allocation, we may be able to cover 09 months period providing them nutritious food for 20 working days in a month and the parents will give their support in the preparation of each day supply of nutritious food The families have been displaced twice and resettled once they returned from India .Most of them do home garden and some are cultivating paddy.

1.     If the children need to go for school, they have to walk about 04 kilometers situated in another village. During the rainy season the transport facilities are still worse. If this preschool comes to this village, it is the first educational institution. In this situation, since the families are comparatively poor and get low income, they are not afforded to construct a school for their children.  In addition to this if the preschool comes to the village, it would be a main focus point to the village   



1.     With the assuming of the New Government the prices of building materials have drastically increased, during the course of the time (Rubble, Sand, Metal, Cement, paint and Iron bars) in the local market. Therefore, we have revised the building cost accordingly.

2.     Cost of the furniture has also comparatively increased as such we have some changes in the prices. There is also same increase in the play park items owing to the material increase.

3.     In addition to, the oil prices have thrice been increased, and the Government is finding it extremely difficult to make the payment in dollars for the foreign companies who bring in commodities from outside world.

Due to dollar crisis in the treasury, the government has increased the prices of all the items. The basic food items, the commodities, electronic goods, building materials, vehicles and agricultural equipment. They have even debarred importing of certain food items from the neighboring countries.


2.     The people are 182 resettled families (returned from India) and their income comes from, wood cutting and menial work and some go for sea fishing travelling a long distance to the coastal area. No health Centre is in the village and, if they go for medical purposes, they have to travel to town centers a distance of 10 kilometers and no other common building within the village.



Basic Data



Type of organization

Charitable organization

Specify the identity of your organization(if Applicable) (e.g.: religious, political, social, or cultural identity or background)


Charitable organization

Main Objective of the Organization


Empowering people through animation while contributing to the development of social, economic, health, educational and cultural values of the affected people in Trincomalee District and promoting Peace, Justice and Human Dignity among all communities

Long Term Objective

To provide shelter to the homeless, food to hungry, clothes to naked and consolation to the affected, strengthening their own capabilities and self-reliance and thereby creating a just and fair society, thus promoting human integral development irrespective of caste, creed, race, gender or ethnic differences.


History of co-operation with the Dutch Partner

the Need4Care organization and Wilde Ganzen foundation were deeply involved in the fund raising and realization of several projects in Trincomalee – Muthur region, especially in the projects like Preschool construction and repairs to the damaged Preschools, Repair and extension of De Mellow Home Muthur, Glenne Home Uppuveli, Boys Home Sampaltheevu, and at the same time we wish to enhance the preschool education , providing with infra-structure facility and with basic educational materials.

Description of the Applicant

When was your organization set up and when did it begin to operate?          1968

What is the relation of your organization with the target group?

Our organization as a charitable in nature, works with the people in the target villages through different projects and we have an overall knowledge of the target community. As we freely move with the people, we come to know their family condition and children’s educational standard. Since we study the people, we are able to decide on their need. In the years 2020 and 2021 children’s education was suffered in a great way owing to COVID-19. The formal schools and the preschools were closed for months. In general, we have doled out some dry ration packs to the family members affected by the lock down and curfew imposed by the Government;` certain of our project area to alleviate the suffering of the people owing to CORONA attack and the current economic Crisis


What are the main activities of the organization?

Relief and rehabilitation of the war affected communities (Housing, livelihood water and sanitation), Peace and Reconciliation where we bring together all the major communities into one forum and make them aware of the necessity of peace. Finding causes for poverty and food security. In this project we encourage the farmers to do organic farming   and we also introduce in the schools the home garden concept. Safe Migration project, we target the migrant workers especially the women migrants who go for employment in the Arabian countries and we help the affected migrants to get their compensation from the Sri Lanka foreign Employment Bureau. Child protection programme in collaboration with the UNICEF. Assisting the Refugees returning from India by helping them to obtain the legal documents, surveying the lands, solemnizing marriages done in India for legal purposes, and obtaining Sri Lankan citizenship for the children born in India.

Description of the target group

Social category and economic situation

Vulnerable war affected, displaced & resettled families and members

Age group

03 to 05 years

Estimate of anticipated number of direct beneficiaries

25 children (per school year)

Gender what percentage of direct beneficiaries

50% of each gender


Location what percentage of the direct beneficiaries live in the rural area and what percentage in an urban area

Sirupitty:182 families

Comparing with the total population of the GN Division; 34% comes to Sirupitty




Detailed description of activities

1.     Construction of preschool

2.     Providing Equipment and play Park

3.     Children, Parents enrichment activities

4.     Nutrition to the preschool children (a new venture owing to the present economic crisis)


Expected outcome

1.     25 to 30 children, in the long run, learn the basic etiquette, build up relationship with the peers, and learn to respect the elders, learn the values in the society, getting to know the cultural values of different religions and learn to identify the objects.


Maintenance of the preschool by the parents and the school administration. The Rural Development Society of the village will monitor the activities of the preschool and for the future development of the preschool. The preschool Bureau of the Government sector train the teachers when new systems are introduced within the preschool. Presently there is a move that the payment of the teachers is also under their purview

With the project fund allocation, the EHED Caritas will provide the basic needs of the preschool and any repairs to the building and equipment the Rural Development Society will undertake to do further renovation and repairs to the preschool.  



EHED Caritas

